Loyalty Card Specifications


StoreTender™ can use Loyalty Cards to identify customer accounts at the Point of Sale. Cards may have magnetic stripes, barcodes or both. Below are the encoding details for use with StoreTender™:



It is assumed that your barcode scanner will read the entire barcode, and not drop or add any digits. If your barcode scanner does NOT function this way, do not order Loyalty Cards until you consult our Support Department.


12-digit UPC-A (recommend even height - without “legs”).

Human-readable 12-digit number under barcode.


Formatted as:          BBBBBNNNNNNC


  • B         5-digit BIN, beginning with a ‘4’ or ‘6’. Ex. ‘45020’ or ‘61021’.
    • BIN of ‘65000’ is RESERVED and must not be used.


  • N         6-digit Customer Account Number. Increase sequentially for each card.


  • C          Checksum calculated at barcode creation based on previous numbers.




Magnetic Stripe


Encoded on Track 2

Begins with semicolon ‘;’ and a ‘6’, followed by account numbers, equal sign ‘=’, expiration date and question mark ‘?’.


Formatted as:          ;6BBBBBNNNNNN=4912?


  • ;           Beginning sentinel


  • 6          First digit after beginning sentinel. Always set at ‘6’. Required.



  • B         5-digit BIN, beginning with a ‘4’ or ‘6’. Ex. ‘45020’ or ‘61021’.
    • Suggest using same BIN as one selected for Barcode.
    • BIN of ‘65000’ is RESERVED and must not be used.


  • N         6-digit Customer Account Number. Increase sequentially for each card.


  • =          Expiration date sentinel (required).


  • 4912  Expiration date. Recommended setting to ‘4912’ (December, 2049). Expiration date is not used by the Loyalty Program but is required for card functionality. Cards that are issued/used beyond the expiration date will function as normal.


  • ?          End sentinel.


NOTE: Unlike Barcode, there is no checksum.


If there is NO BARCODE on the card, the Human Readable text should be the 11-digit BIN and Account Number. (Otherwise, the HR text should be as specified for the Barcode setup.)

    • Note: Customers who order Loyalty Cards with magnetic stripe only will need to open a support ticket with us to configure their software properly, as the checksum is missing from both the magnetic stripe and HR number.

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