Serial Number Tracking

Complete Serial Number Tracking can be accessed via the Point of Sale.

Department Setup

The Department screen now has a new field to track if the Department is serialized. If this field is checked, a serial number dialog will appear automatically when an item in the Department is rung. Any Product, however, can have a serial number attached simply by pressing the Serial Number Function key [303].

POS Preparation

  • A Serial Number Function has been added to the screen designer. It is function # 303
  • A Find Serial Number Function has been added to the screen designer. It is function # 304
  • The Find + Serial Number functions can be used as a macro [24] [303] in lieu of Function # 304

POS Usage (Use any one the following to record a serial number and optionally four comment lines):

  • Ring an item in a Department marked as Serialized. A serial number prompt will display.
  • Press the Serial Number Function Key A serial number prompt will display.

Serial Numbers can be hand-entered on scanned.

POS Usage (Use any of the following to view the transaction containing a specific serial number):

  • Press the Find Serial Number [304] Function key.
  •  Press the Find [24] Function Key followed by the Serial Number [303] Function Key

Serial Numbers can be hand-entered on scanned.


  • Serial Numbers can be recorded as part of a transaction for warranty or service.
  • Serial number prompts can be automated or performed manually.
  • Serial Numbers are recorded when sold.
  • Entry of Serial numbers on Receiving is not supported,
  • Transactions can be retrieved by entering or scanning a serial number.

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