List of Screen Designer Functions (A - H)

Function Name Macro Description
1 - 00 1 - 00 Enters the numbers '1' through '00'.
. (aka Decimal Point) . Enters a decimal point.
$5 Cash Tender 5.00[70] Enters '5.00', used as a tender button.
$10 Cash Tender 10.00[70] Enters '10.00', used as a tender button.
$20 Cash Tender 20.00[70] Enters '20.00', used as a tender button.
$50 Cash Tender 50.00[70] Enters '50.00', used as a tender button.
$100 Cash Tender 100.00[70] Enters '100.00', used as a tender button.
Acct [28] Load Account (preceded by account number).
Acct (w/address) [171] Load Account & Address (preceded by account number).
Acct Balance [80] Display/print account balance. Account must be loaded first.
Acct Funded Discount [167] Used with Tobacco Scan Data. OK to prepend with $ amount.
Add Customer [130] Manually launch the Add Customer screen.
Backspace [128] Invoke keyboard backspace.
Cafeteria Card [173] Inactive - no longer used.
Carry-Out [105] Sets Food Service mode to Carry-Out.
Cash Check [140] Enter the amount of the check and press the Cash Check key. Use to cash a customer check and optionally charge a fee based on the Check Cashing Fee Schedule.
Cash Tender [70] Enter the amount being tendered and then press the Cash key. Pressing the Cash key without entering an amount will tender the remaining balance to the Cash.
CCTV [21] The CCTV key allows viewing of up to 9 different IP cameras either in a matrix or full screen.
Change Cashier Skin [137] Cycle through different cashier skins.
Change Customer Skin [138] Cycle through different customer skins.
Charge Tender [62] The Charge key allows payment to be charged to the customer's account based on the customer's available credit limit. The customer account must be specified before using this key.
Check Tender [58] The Check key allows tendering checks. 
Clear [37] Use this key to clear the number in the input buffer. 
Close [19]

The close function exits the point of sale session and returns control to the main menu provided there is not a transaction in progress.

Comment [101] The Comment key allows adding up to 5 lines of comments at a time. 
Comp [131] Used to process a Loyalty Comp (free/comp) for the attached customer. 
Connect / Disconnect [199] Cycle connectivity status between online and offline. 
Coupon Tender [59] The Coupon key allows tendering coupons that are not otherwise scanned.
Credit Card Tender [68] The Credit Card key allows tendering to a credit card.
Currency Conversion [85] Displays the subtotal total due in the Foreign Currency and exchange rate in effect as defined in Setup > Store > Media
Customer Comments [163] Display customer comment screen. Add or edit comments to customer account.
Customer History [139] View loaded customer purchase history.
Day End [22] Used to perform Day End closing, X-Report or Z-Report.
Debit Card Tender [67] The Debit Card key allows tendering to a debit card and optionally getting cash back.
Dept Items (16)
Dept Items (32)
Dept Items (64)
Use to launch an on-the-fly scrolling screen containing (##) items in a specific department, sorted alphabetically. Preface the macro with the desired department number or select using the magnifying glass.
Dine-In [104] Sets Food Service mode to Dine-In.
Drive-Thru [106] Sets Food Service mode to Drive-Thru.
Drop [57] The Drop key records cash removed from the drawer and prints a receipt.
Drop (Multi-Tender) [184] Records Drops for various tender types.
EBT Cash Tender [66] Tender EBT Cash.
EBT Cash Balance [82] Performs an EBT Cash balance inquiry.
EBT Food Tender [65] Tender EBT Food.
EBT Food Balance [81] Performs an EBT Food balance inquiry.
Eligible [42] Used to calculate the eligible total of items that can be paid for by a particular tender type.
Eligible Food Stamps [91] Used to calculate the eligible total of items that can be paid for by a Food Stamps.
Eligible Tips Out [309] Used to calculate the eligible tips in drawer.
Eligible WIC [92] Used to calculate the eligible total of items that can be paid for by a WIC voucher.
Eligible WIC FV [93] Used to calculate the eligible total of items that can be paid for by a WIC FV voucher.
EMV Terminal [185] Used to invoke EMV payment terminal for card payment.
EMV Gift Card Sale [186] Used to activate or add funds to a gift card, when using EMV merchant processing.
EMV Pin Pad [187] Used to invoke EMV PIN pad screen for card payment. Functions available are payment, balance check and hand-enter.
Enter [181] Used to invoke the 'Enter' key.
Error [31] Use to immediately correct a keying error.
Find [24] Opens the Find Dialog for either Customers or Inventory Items.
Find Acct [89] Opens the Find Dialog for Customers.
Find PLU [90] Opens the Find Dialog for Inventory Items.
Find Salesperson [302] Opens the Find Dialog for salespersons to apply to transaction (for commission & spiff tracking).
Find Serial Number [304] Opens the Find Dialog for serial number tracking.
Food Service Item [102] The Food Service Item  button is used to sell an item with modifiers. (Also see Food Service Setup.)
Food Stamp Shift [122] Toggle the status of a non-foodstamp item.
Foreign Tender [69] The Foreign Currency key allows tendering in a foreign currency using the current defined exchange rate.
Fuel Report [310] Displays current day fuel quantity & sales (2-decimal max).
Fuel Sale - Grade 1 to 10 [153] to [162] Used for sale of up to 10 different fuel grades
Gift Card Tender [63] Used to activate or add funds to a gift card, for non-EMV merchant processing.
Gift Card Sale [3] Used to accept a gift card as tender, for non-EMV merchant processing.
Gift Cert Tender [129] Used to accept a gift certificate as tender, not integrated with a merchant processing account.
Guest Buzzer [174] Used to print Guest Buzzer number on order/receipt. Preface with buzzer number.
Help [1] Use to display key usage and instructions.

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