Product Configuration

The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from.


Addon Modules - eGrowcery Exchange

This complete POS integration with eGrowcery Online Shopping can increase sales and save you hours of work. The eGrowcery Exchange addon module uploads your Products and Promotions to eGrowcery daily. Every 30 minutes your online sales are downloaded into StoreTender, so that your inventory, sales and taxes are current and accurate. Everything is handled in the background and you won't have to enter your online sales manually into StoreTender! Learn more about this useful addon module by viewing the knowledgebase article eGrowcery Exchange Addon Module. Multi-store clients require one subscription per store using the service. eGrowcery Online Shopping service sold separately by eGrowcery.

Billing Cycle

Additional Required Information

This product/service requires some additional information from you to allow us to process your order.

eGrowcery Server URL:
eGrowcery User Name:
eGrowcery Password: